Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Technomology . . . techology . . . uh yeah that thing-a-ma-ging

The thing that I've been enjoying most about technology, and sadly I'm not going to lie about it, are...are...ARE...MMOs, in particular, World of Warcraft. (Probably should add a link for that, too: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/index.xml What's a MMO? you might ask. Here's a link for ya: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massively_multiplayer_online_game What's so great about MMOs? you might ask. Well, I'll tell you. The following is my top ten (in no particular order) reasons why:

9. Someone else has already done the hard work (programming stuff, etc.)
6. It's a good way to meet people.
3. It's also a good way to see how different people behave (if you're into that Sociology stuff).
10. You can upgrade your account with (free) add-ons to make the tough stuff easier.
8. Great way to relax! I think it's a great stress reducer so that means it's good for your health (when not used in excess.)
4. All that chatting with other people can help increase your typing skills (my spouse is living proof of that!)
2. Crime preventer. (Hey, if your kid is playing the game, they're not out there getting into trouble. They might be getting into trouble in the game, but they're not out there causing problems.)
7. You get to learn a little bit of Chat. LOL, NP, GJ, GG, ROFL, :P, :D (I need a dictionary for some of the others, or you can just ask the person that used it what they are talking about.)
1. Good way to have fun!
5. Might even inspire young people to try it on as a career!

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