Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Wikis. Wikis awe what bwing us togethew...today. (Princess Bride reference there.) Anyway, I checked out a few wiki sites. Let's start wiki the booklovers wiki: http://booklovers.pbwiki.com/Princeton%20Public%20Library I thought it was wiki limited, (maybe it's new - I didn't check) but I can see wiki there is potential. Certainly, I wouldn't want to base wiki or not I read a book on some of the opinions presented in the site. It seems to work wiki enough though.
I also checked out the Bull Run wiki: http://bullrunlibrary.pbwiki.com/ I liked what they presented, showing the calender and some of the sidebar links. Seems like the staff are the ones wiki-ing on it. It's not necessarily as wiki-friendly to the public to edit as the booklover wiki.
I'm not sure how much I like wiki's. Seems like trying to push your way into a clique in high school. You might not be welcome.
"We seek them here.
We seek them there.
We seek those wikis everywhere.
Are they in heaven?
Are they in heck?
Those darned elusive wikis!"
Love the Pimpernel!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Library 2.0

I just got done reading several articles on web 2.0. ...actually quite a few. The two that stood out most for me were: http://www.oclc.org/nextspace/002/6.htm "To a temporary place in time..." and http://www.oclc.org/nextspace/002/2.htm "Away from the 'icebergs.'" In the 'icebergs' article, I was able to relate to the concept of de-cluttering the library. I am currently struggling with pack-rat-itis myself at home and have been reading books on how to de-clutter my house. Well, it makes sense for the library to de-clutter as well. Come on people, do we really need a 1998 guide book on Disneyworld? (By the way, I know for a fact that the Pirates of the Carribean ride information would be completely out-dated.) "But we need that just in case all the other Disneyworld books are checked out." NO WE DON'T! :D Okay, so that's the extreme version. LOL.

I liked the other article "to a temporary..." because it mapped out where we were (Library 1.0) and where we're headed (Library 2.0, 3.0, & 4.0). I'd say right now, we're a 1.5. We've got the collection and slowly getting to 2.0.

There were other articles but they got too (for lack of a better word) 'technical' for me. Where's the Library 2.0 for dummies book at?

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I wasn't sure where to put the dots. So, I'm not one of those people who like to browse the internet that much. Perhaps it's the overwhelming factor of hundreds of thousands of websites out there. Perhaps it's the search factor and getting 10,000+ websites for a search you did that you thought was pretty limiting. Perhaps I just don't like spending my time like that. So, why do I like delicious.com? Because half the time, I can't remember the complete web address for the site I'm looking for. Heck, I'd be lucky to remember what I did yesterday. Delicious: easy. http://delicious.com/monkeygamer So, that was a link to my bookmarks. Not a whole lot, yet. http://delicious.com/ for those of you who'd like to get you own list started. Now, if only there were a website for all my password and usernames. :S


This is a site that allows me to catalog my books. If you're not a librarian, this is a good site to pretend that you are one...without the degree. I've got four 5-shelf bookshelves at home. So far, on LibraryThing, I've cataloged a little over a hundred books. That was only about two shelves. Of couse, then again, I haven't got enough shelf space for my books and need to stack and double-up books on some of my shelves. If you're itching to find out what I've got well, here's a link: http://www.librarything.com/home/monkeygamer42

Monday, September 22, 2008

tweet, tweet, tweet

What am I doing now? I'm typing this blog. I just got done creating my first twitter account. And yes, if you really want to know what I'm doing some of the time you can certainly check it out at http://twitter.com/2monkeygamers . I have to say. My Web 2.0 confidence levels are increasing. I didn't have any major hic-ups on the past two activite on the L&P website. So, cross my fingers & hope to goodness that I'm this lucky with the rest of the needed tasks on http://columbusmetropolitanlibrary.wordpress.com/ . I'm also suffering from vacation relapse (ie. vacation was good but now upon returning home got to catch up on learn&play stuff, bills :( , regular life, work, and responsibilites.) But anyway, I think I could get into twitter, ...that is, if I can find someone to twitter with. =s What am I doing now? I'm counting down the minutes until I get to go home (72), and hoping more people come in to make the time go faster. :D
I knew that I'd have fun doing this exercise!
http://www.mrpicassohead.com/canvas.html?id=aa87633&skin=original from http://generatorblog.blogspot.com/ The mrpicassohead is a nice way to feel like you're a natural picasso!

This is from a mosaic creator. Here's the link: http://flagrantdisregard.com/flickr/

And these three are from http://www.letterjames.com/ Thought I'd go with the CML phraseology on these!
All were very cool and very fun for me, being the artist that I am (not that you need to be an artist to play around on these programs.) ;D

Rssssss's (part 2)

So, I've got my blogline page set up with all sorts of nifty feeds and then on cml's L&P (learn&play) site I notice that part nine is to add feeds to my blogline. I had done this already using blogline's nifty search feature. Then I clicked on the three links from the L&P site and instantly became baffled. So, I let it muster for a while. (So long, in fact, that I haven't looked at them since.) :P I've managed to gather 24 feeds, some using bloglines, and some from my own searching. So, now that I'm well fed (LOL - oh so corny!) I think it's time to move on.

Friday, September 19, 2008


10 feeds for me.

1. Allrecipes daily recipes for main dish
2. books - guardian.co.uk
3. chocolate & zucchini
4. ew.com: movie reviews and box office news
5. kotaku
6. rotten tomatoes: movies
7. simply recipes
8. unshelved
9. joystiq
10. and of course... Learn & play @CML

now all I have to do is find time to read these and the 12 other feeds I signed up for. waaaaaaaaa!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Technomology . . . techology . . . uh yeah that thing-a-ma-ging

The thing that I've been enjoying most about technology, and sadly I'm not going to lie about it, are...are...ARE...MMOs, in particular, World of Warcraft. (Probably should add a link for that, too: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/index.xml What's a MMO? you might ask. Here's a link for ya: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massively_multiplayer_online_game What's so great about MMOs? you might ask. Well, I'll tell you. The following is my top ten (in no particular order) reasons why:

9. Someone else has already done the hard work (programming stuff, etc.)
6. It's a good way to meet people.
3. It's also a good way to see how different people behave (if you're into that Sociology stuff).
10. You can upgrade your account with (free) add-ons to make the tough stuff easier.
8. Great way to relax! I think it's a great stress reducer so that means it's good for your health (when not used in excess.)
4. All that chatting with other people can help increase your typing skills (my spouse is living proof of that!)
2. Crime preventer. (Hey, if your kid is playing the game, they're not out there getting into trouble. They might be getting into trouble in the game, but they're not out there causing problems.)
7. You get to learn a little bit of Chat. LOL, NP, GJ, GG, ROFL, :P, :D (I need a dictionary for some of the others, or you can just ask the person that used it what they are talking about.)
1. Good way to have fun!
5. Might even inspire young people to try it on as a career!