Monday, September 29, 2008

Library 2.0

I just got done reading several articles on web 2.0. ...actually quite a few. The two that stood out most for me were: "To a temporary place in time..." and "Away from the 'icebergs.'" In the 'icebergs' article, I was able to relate to the concept of de-cluttering the library. I am currently struggling with pack-rat-itis myself at home and have been reading books on how to de-clutter my house. Well, it makes sense for the library to de-clutter as well. Come on people, do we really need a 1998 guide book on Disneyworld? (By the way, I know for a fact that the Pirates of the Carribean ride information would be completely out-dated.) "But we need that just in case all the other Disneyworld books are checked out." NO WE DON'T! :D Okay, so that's the extreme version. LOL.

I liked the other article "to a temporary..." because it mapped out where we were (Library 1.0) and where we're headed (Library 2.0, 3.0, & 4.0). I'd say right now, we're a 1.5. We've got the collection and slowly getting to 2.0.

There were other articles but they got too (for lack of a better word) 'technical' for me. Where's the Library 2.0 for dummies book at?

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