Saturday, August 16, 2008

Apocolyptic Dreaming

So the other night I had a dream that my home city was being bombed. Bridges were being taken out so that the bombers/terrorists could control who was leaving. Buildings, cars, etc. Very realistic. And I'm huddled with my husband and friends on around the fifth floor of this building that has somehow miraculously survived the bombings. Unfortunately, I woke up before the dream could be resolved or any action could take place, but it made me think: why was I dreaming this. Am I subconsciously worried about the end of days. Am I concerned about terrorists. Then I remembered I had re-watched that one movie with Will Smith, and the parts where they took out the bridges in the movie seemed vaguely familiar to my dream. Oh, what was it called...the Last...something. Then I came across this book by Mary Shelley, never heard of it before, The Last Man. Wait a minute, the Will Smith movie was called I am Legend. Not to be mixed up with I am Omega, which has the host from Iron Chef and falls along the same lines, nor should that be mixed up with Omega Man. I'll get back to you on the Mary Shelley book. Of course, then again, maybe I dreamed that because I needed something to relieve the monotony.

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