Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hey, I won something!

It doesn't happen often. I won a cute little piggy bank for visiting the Science business and news department!

And then I got home and there was a message for me on the answering machine saying that I had won a car. Or maybe I misheard? Maybe the message said that I was entered in a drawing for a car? ...and that they want me to call them back so that they can offer me some kind of crazy sales pitch which will end up costing me more money. Yeah, I know how the system works.

It's like all those emails that end up in the spam box saying that someone died and left you lots and lots of money and all you have to do is send this person your bank account information, social securty number, and the names and social security numbers of your family and friends. Well, we will see.

But even if I did win the car...well...I do like my car that I have now. And I'm so close to finishing paying it off, but I don't want to have to pay to insure 2 cars. Hmmm....take em both to a car dealership and buy a really sweet car? Heh! Now I know I'm dreaming!

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