Monday, October 20, 2008

Not Me tube - You tube.

Ok. So, it feels really wrong to be browsing through youtube videos while I'm working. I've never really explored youtube that much before. So, I decided to search for the most watched, most talked about, and top rated. I found the top rated video to be quite amusing:

Here are a couple of "library related" vids I found:

Fortunately I got some help posting these, but now it takes forever to load, type, etc.

It could be useful for libraries to use this sort of feature on their websites to make information more accessible to people who would prefer watching a video over reading a blog.

I don't know if youtube is for me, though. I tend to spend my time reading books, watching movies from the library, playing World of Warcraft, crafting, cooking, running, and/or hanging out with my husband, etc. I thought I'd be using Twitter more often, but it's not convenient to get to for me, and I don't want to run up the cell phone bill. I guess I'm kind of old fashioned like that. :D

1 comment:

Cat Herself said...

I love that Cookie Monster vid! It's always been one of my faves. Once I loaded twitterfox into my firefox browser, I really started using it all the time, but I can certainly see how it's not for everyone.