Saturday, November 8, 2008

It's the end of the 23 things as we know it...

That's right it started with a blog, pics of birds and snakes and aeroplanes
Lenny Bruce didn't learn and play...

Not REM...
So, Learn and Play is pretty much done learning. Now it's time to play with what we know. But first: THING #23...which is basically a recap of things 1-22. Ok. Interview style:
Learn&Play: What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
Monkeygamer42: I really enjoyed learning about Flickr, YouTube, and Mash-ups. I had some trouble at first with Flickr, but once you get to know it, it's easier to use. I also liked LibraryThing at first, but then I found out that you only get to put in 200 books for free; after that there's an annual fee. :( That wasn't even one bookcase. Waaaa!
L&P: How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
M42: I had lifelong learning goals? ...I never had actually made it a goal to get acquainted with Web 2.0, but now, I'm really glad that this program took place. There was a lot of stuff that I wasn't familiar with: Blogspot, Twitter, LibraryThing, del.ici.ous, Mash-ups, and a few others. Now, when someone asks me what a RSS feed is, I can tell them that it's a way to find out what's new on websites that have the feature instead of saying "uhhh...I think a librarian can help you out with that one. :P"
L&P: Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
M42: Well, I did finally manage to make a Facebook account and a MySpace account. I don't think I would have done it if I hadn't been doing learn & play. Prior to L&P, I was very untrusting of the internet in a way that I thought that most websites wanted to get some money out of ya. Heck, even some dictionary websites want to charge you to look up a word. HOW WRONG IS THAT!!! But I now realize that 2.0 is all about free-sharing. It just seems wrong that a website is willing to keep my information on it for free. (Or does it work some other way? I don't know.)
L&P: What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
M42: I like things mapped out for me. Step-by-step processes. What I found to be really helpful were the Common Craft videos. Sometimes even those didn't explain things as much as I'd like. I did like the videos that you could click on though. What if you made a video on how to do the with a person sitting at a computer going through the process and asking common questions about the process...but still keep the video short.
L&P: If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?
M42: Hmmmm...will I get a chance to win a laptop? Probably yes either way.

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