And now, 10 random things about me:
1. I check out way too much stuff from the library.
2. I'm interested in theories on the apocalypse and end of days.
3. I play World of Warcraft on a regular basis. My main character is called "Mula" on the Silver Hand realm. She's a level 70 Tauren warrior specialized in defense. I've got several other characters, but they're nowhere near to 70, yet.
4. I like making cupcakes. For Halloween I made spiders with black licorice legs. My favorite cupcake book is Hello Cupcake.

5. I like to challenge myself. My latest craze is running long distances. I ran the Turkey Trot in 2006, Race for a Cure 2008 (spring), and the Columbus Marathon 5K wellness challenge. My favorite was the Race for a Cure because along the course there were bands playing for the racers. However, I felt I ran my best in the 5K.
6. I love doing the Sudoko Picture puzzles. (a good website is: It makes art out of a logic puzzle. This website also has color picture puzzles as well as b&w.
7. I collect WAY too much stuff. Porcelein dolls, cross-stitch patterns, recipes, Doctor Who books (no, not too much of that!), crochet patterns, pictures, Star Wars things, Role-playing books (my husband is partially to blame), music, vacation stuff, trinkets, models, minis, books, magazines, and other stuff.
8. I believe there is a god or God. But I feel that there is a correct-ness in pretty much every religion. I don't antagonize people about the way they worship. I'm a firm believer in minding my own business in that respect.
9. One of my pet peeves is having to clean up after other people. Especially when they leave something for someone else to do and then go off and laze about.
10. Did I mention I'm a big Doctor Who fan? I still like Tom Baker (4th) the best, but Christopher Eccleston (9th) and David Tennant (10th) are really great, too. John Pertwee (3rd) is starting to grow on me and Paul McGann (8th) was sadly short lived (at least as far as t.v. episodes go). My favorite enemy of the Doctor is The Master and my favorite spin-off of Doctor Who is Torchwood. Favorite companions: Rose, Ace, Sarah Jane, K-9, and Adric (yes, I cried when he died).
1 comment:
I'm a sudoku fan too! A great list and congrats on completing L&P
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