Thursday, October 9, 2008

Diggin' through CML's toolbox.

So, this week we're supposed to rummage around someone else's toolbox and see what we find. Reminds me of that Ghost Hunter's episode that aired on 10/8/08. The two ladies on that show are always snooping around. If I were a ghost and saw people snooping around in my stuff, I'd not give them the satisfaction of showing myself to them! Ok, we're supposed to be looking for ghosts, let's have a conversation about something else and snoop around. Ok, but I digress. Toolbox...digging...CML...snooping - no not snooping. LOL. So, CML's website has a power tool section. No, not drills and nail guns. <- That's the link. :D

I'm pretty familiar with some of the links on there: twitter, gmail, librarything...etc. Some, didn't have much appeal to me: Firefox, Technorati, TechCrunch not to be confused with Captain Crunch. I looked at boing boing. That was kinda weird. It didn't really interest me much except for the bit about Jay Walker's (founder of Priceline) library. You gotta read this: Talk about extravagant. Ok- maybe BoingBoing is a bit cooler than I give it credit for. So, here's the link: Another link that interested me was the one called MAKE...and the link to that one: Halloween's coming up and I don't have a costume. Maybe this is the answer? Maybe si...maybe no. I was disappointed by Seemed like it kept giving me the same websites. Who knows, maybe there's more to it.

Here's a pic of that guy's library:

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