Saturday, July 17, 2010
I said it, and I'll say it again...and again.
So, when I call somewhere for some information, I do my best to listen to the information that I'm asking for. I don't do other things while I'm calling other people. Now, granted, if I'm doing something at home and someone calls me, and I'm in the middle of something, sometimes I tend to get distracted by the thing I was doing originally. My husband hates it when I do that. I really do my best, though, to give the caller my full attention.
So, why is it that I find myself repeating myself to some customers when they call?
Here's an example:
Customer: Hello, I'd like to renew my items due today.
Me: Ok, may I have your library card number.
Customer: 222 etc.
Me: Ok. One moment while I renew those. *I renew the items*
Me: Ok. I renewed the 5 videos that were due today, they are now due back July ((such'n'such date.))
Customer: So, uhhh, did you renew the stuff that was due.
Me: Yep! It's now due July ((Such'n'such date))
Customer: What day are they due?
Me: July ((Such'n'such date))
Customer: Did everything get renewed.
Me: Yes
And most likely they'll call us back again to get the due date.
Why is it so hard? *Cries* I am starting to believe in the theories that the movie Idiocracy puts forth.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Is everyone reading this book?!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010
I forgot what I was going to write about
So, lady calls in. And I tell her something, but she's not getting it. And she's going a mile a minute. And then I think the conversation is over and I get her several hours later. And she's going a mile a minute. And I'm thinking that she's going to ask me the same thing she asked before, but turns out that she GOT it! She was just asking for something else! I would say that's a WIN!
So, I found something fun and new to do. You know that link at the top of the screen labelled "Next Blog"? Yeah. That's my new form of entertainment. Just going along reading total strangers' blogs. I wonder how creeped out they'd be if I started commenting on their blogs considering that we've never met. Heck! I'd be slightly creeped out. But that's what you sign up for on blogger...sure you can privatize your blog, but that's not as exciting. Heck, I had someone make an inappropriate comment on this blog and had to delete. I couldn't imagine if I had a really popular blog and there would be hundreds of comments. And there would be that one person (one? yeah right) who says something out of the blue that is really insulting, maybe not to you, but you don't want that kind of comment on the blog. It's kinda like a stain that doesn't come out. Sure you can delete it. But it will still say the comment was made, and then people will wonder what kind of person is this person who writes in this blog and deletes all the comments that are posted? What about freedom of speech. So, by deleting someone's comments, aren't you infringing on their rights?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Hey, I won something!
And then I got home and there was a message for me on the answering machine saying that I had won a car. Or maybe I misheard? Maybe the message said that I was entered in a drawing for a car? ...and that they want me to call them back so that they can offer me some kind of crazy sales pitch which will end up costing me more money. Yeah, I know how the system works.
It's like all those emails that end up in the spam box saying that someone died and left you lots and lots of money and all you have to do is send this person your bank account information, social securty number, and the names and social security numbers of your family and friends. Well, we will see.
But even if I did win the car...well...I do like my car that I have now. And I'm so close to finishing paying it off, but I don't want to have to pay to insure 2 cars. Hmmm....take em both to a car dealership and buy a really sweet car? Heh! Now I know I'm dreaming!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Gettin rid of the gut...or not?
I was doing the running thing, where I'd go running for 30-60 minutes every other day, or every third day. But then I broke my finger and haven't gotten back to it. Could be the summer heat keeping me away.
I was trying to cut back on the sugar going in. But I keep falling back into my old ways. I have gotten a lot better when I'm eating out. I'm cutting back on my calories. Now, I think I just need to work on eating more fruits and vegetables. But haven't you noticed that not too many restaurants offer a very good selection of those things. And for a girl like me who does most of her eating at restaurants...truly I want to cut back on that. But it seems that my husband doesn't like eating in. And cooking isn't the first thing on my list of want to do's when I get home. It's not that I can't cook. It's not that there isn't food in the kitchen.
I think it would be great to bike to work. But that would also mean getting my husband to bike to work. I doubt he'd go for that, and I doubt that would be possible either, because there are several days out of the week that he's going to school and there wouldn't be enough time for him to bike to school and eat before classes start. So my husband would have to get his licence and then I'd be able to bike to work. It's about 8 miles away from home according to mapquest. I'd have to fix my bike up, buy a helmet, and hope that no one sideswipes me as I'm riding in. Sounds like a whole bunch of excuses. :(
Sounds like I'll have to think about it some more. Maybe come up with some other options.
Ciao for now!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Another post? really?
Who would have guessed that I would post something new? Not me. So, you know how there seems to be a "condition" for every aspect of somebody's personality? Once, someone who might have been called "flighty" now has ADD or ADHD. Do you or your child tend to fight back or argue? Well, there's a condition for that: ODD. (Oppositional Defiance Disorder). Are you a neat freak? No, you're OCD. Do you have trouble socializing? Used to be, you were just "shy". Now it's called Asperger's Syndrome. That's unofficially me. I don't think I'd want to know officially, anyway. I'd rather not have some shrink poking at my brain. Well let's see. According to the Mayo clinic website:
Signs and symptoms of Asperger's syndrome include:
*Engaging in one-sided, long-winded conversations, without noticing if the listener is listening or trying to change the subject (ok I don't do the long-winded conversations bit, but I'm not too good at noticing the person I'm talking to.)
*Displaying unusual nonverbal communication, such as lack of eye contact, few facial expressions, or awkward body postures and gestures (I'm terrified of eye contact)
*Showing an intense obsession with one or two specific, narrow subjects, such as baseball statistics, train schedules, weather or snakes (Does having an obsession with WoW and Doctor Who count?)
*Appearing not to understand, empathize with or be sensitive to others' feelings (I'm terrible at empathizing)
*Having a hard time "reading" other people or understanding humor (Isn't it embarrasing when you get the joke a minute after everyone else is done laughing.)
*Speaking in a voice that is monotonous, rigid or unusually fast (I have a naturally deep voice. ... What?! My
*Moving clumsily, with poor coordination (I broke my finger by tripping on a flat sidewalk)
*Having an odd posture or a rigid gait
Ok. That's that for now. Maybe more later?