How exciting! I managed to get this to work out! This is a picture I took at the beach on Culebra, off the coast of Puerto Rico. Yes, I did get sunburned!
So I have attempted to explore and "play around" with mappr, montagr, flickr color pickr (totally didn't get that one), and I'm not sure if it counts, Trip Planner: . The closest I got to a successful experience was Trip Planner, but I ran out of time before I could really tell. I tried to use Montagr with one of my photos, but that didn't work. It just came out as dark bunch of photos that shared no resemblance to the picture I chose, and the picture I chose didn't even show up. I couldn't even begin to figure out how to use mappr. The flickr color pickr seemed like something you gave your kids to mess around with; I didn't get the point of it. I was planning on putting up a cute photo mosaic of the photo I took of the Lego Main Library (using Montagr) here...but as you can see I didn't manage to figure it out. Maybe I'll get it figured out later. Who knows. I think I'm gonna need the K.I.S.S. version of these mashups to make any sense of 'em. I'm a step-by-step kinda gal, and all I got is a starting line and a finish line. No one told be about the 6' high hurdles.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Seems like it would be difficult to find what you're looking for in this place. This is my first picture download, too. I feel like this is an analogy for my experience so far with web 2.0. Lot's of information, but not sure where to look for it.
So, trying to learn how to set up blogs and create Flickr accounts hasn't been too difficult for me. The real hitch for me was linking the blog incorrectly to my work's website (IE I brought a tennis ball to a basketball game) and trying to download pictures for Flickr. Flickr is the goal and I'm at the start of the track. The gun went off and...I'm running in the wrong direction. Next thing I know I'm off the track trying to get directions. I had my running shoes on but they're untied. etc. So, a half an hour of fiddling with my shoes and trying to check out other equipment, I managed to get back on track and and make it to the part of the track where it curves. IE, I've got some of the pictures downloaded and I know what to do, but I see that bend and it scares the willies out of me. My boss says it should take about 15 minutes a day. Sure, if you know what you're doing. Running a mile should only take 15 minutes (and that's being generous), but I'm out of shape and find myself having to walk most of it (that's a metaphor by the way, I can run the mile in under 15 mins.) And this stuff is the easy stuff, too. Ah well, I guess I'll do what I usually do and muck on through it.
5. MacGuyver - duct tape and bubble gum - oh, the possibilities! 7. Stargate - SG1 & Atlantis 9. Monty Python's Flying Circus - it's... 1. Doctor Who - including the corny older episodes, but not the episode where the Daleks became human/Dalek creatures, that was just pathetic. 10. Scare Tactics - fear IS funny! 2. American Idol - nothing like listening to a tone deaf American try to weasel their way into the show! 6. Torchwood - except for the Cyberwoman episode. :P 3. Perfect Strangers - so 80's, so good! 4. Ace of Cakes, Iron Chef America, Bobby Flay's throwdown, etc. - Food Network. 8. Black Adder, House, Dresden Files, New Amsterdam, Heroes, Robin Hood (BBC version) oops, that's more than one - what the hay, who cares! Combined they count as a favorite. Or maybe I just don't want to leave them out. :D
I'm not going to say my ten favorite books, because I have a terrible memory and I would be doing myself an injustice by saying that. So, in no particular order:
6. Harry Potter (series), J.K. Rowling (re-readability factor: very high.) 3. Song of Ice & Fire (series), George R.R. Martin. (you almost have to re-read his stuff just to get it all down. anxiously waiting for Dance of Dragons to come out.) 8. Discworld (series), Terry Pratchett (definitely good for another go.) 1. Anything by R.A. Salvatore (who doesn't like Drizzt?) 7. The Three Musketeers, Alexandre Dumas (classic!!) 10. East of Eden, John Steinbeck (huge book, quick read!) 9. Where the Red Fern Grows, (I loved this book when I was growing up!) 4. Daredevil, (graphic novels) (got to get some variety here, lots of drama, love 'em!) 2. Duma Key, The Stand, & The Drawing of Three, Stephen King (and many others) 5. Sword of Truth (series)Terry Goodkind (lots of drama! ... and finally a fantasy series with an ending!)
(as with the past blog- i've rated each one. 1-easy to 10-difficult)
1. goal. get through 23 thing - learn & play - and have a better understanding of web 2.0. (3) 2. accept responsibility. go out and do it. keep updating it. don't abandon it. (6 - keeping up with it could be difficult) 3. view problems as challenges. get help from other l&p participants. take a step back and think about the problem. don't let it stress you out. (5 - i like challenges, but i don't like problems, and i tend to let it stress me out.) 4. confidence. this can be gained with experience. the more you do it, the more confidence you will have. continue to experiment with the technology you're learning. (3 - i don't think this will be too much of a problem for me.) 5. toolbox. look at other's examples. the web can be a wonderful toolbox. library books on the subject. people can be part of the toolbox. (3 - this is pretty much set up, just a matter of knowing where to look in the toolbox.) 6. use tech to your advantage. this goes along the lines with your toolbox. i'm pretty sure you can type almost anything into a web search engine and get help when you need it. don't make it more complicated then it is. (6 - since i'm new to the technology, finding a way of using it to my advantage could be difficult. but then again...) 7. teach. the best way to fully learn something is to teach others. answer questions. get others interested. if you're too embarrassed to teach others, just teach yourself. pretend you're new at it and go through the steps. explain it out. (4 - i've got no problems teaching others the technology. besides, that's why i'm doing the 23 things anyway, to help customers with the technology.) 7 & 1/2. fun. don't make it all business. put some pizazz into it. make it personal. if you're not enjoying it, then it probably won't be successful - as in fulfilling. (4 - only because i tend to get a bit analytical about the learning process. just got to remind myself to personalize it and have fun.)
7&1/2 Lifelong learning habits...and how difficult they are to achieve. (In my opinion.)
1. Goal (4) 2. Accept responsibility (2) 3. View problems as challenges (4) 4. Develope confidence (4) 5. Create toolbox (5) 6. Use technology to your advantage (5) 7. Teach others (4) 7 1/2. Play (3)
On a scale from 1 (easy) to 10 (difficult), I have rated each item (in parenthesis) according to difficulty.
As you can see, on paper it seems pretty easy. Of course sometimes things crop up and raise the difficulty level for each one. Sometimes a person can become a "problem" and you've got to find a way to solve the problem. Just for fun I'm going to include an example.
I've decided to learn how to play World of Warcraft. 1. goal. Learn how to play WOW, create a character, level said character up to 70 (80 when expansion comes out). 2. accept responsibility. said character is made. can't just leave it to sit and mold over. got to develop on-line relationships with other characters. possibly join a guild. level up skills. that sort of thing. $15 a month is also a good reason to perservere. 3.Problems. rude players. (either ignore or have "fun" trying to cope w/player. takes too long. (make a different character, go to some other part of the world, leave it for a while and read a book) 4.confidence. online relationships get better. although it's slow at times you are levelling up. 5.toolbox. don't forget food, water, constant breaks away from the computer. download helpful add-ons, check out the WOW website for additional help and tips. use macros to your advantage. 7.teach others. tell others useful tips. for chatting, levelling, and basic commands. teach about add-ons. etc. 7.5 fun. If it is no longer fun, then take a break. try something new. read. let someone else have a go at it. it's just a game. don't take it too seriously.
so in this case number 3 would be the hardest since it's on-going. and 7.5 would be the easiest since it's a game. Some people might find 5 difficult, since they get so caught up in the game, and getting away from it could be difficult. That's when a good R.A. Salvatore book comes into play. :)
So the other night I had a dream that my home city was being bombed. Bridges were being taken out so that the bombers/terrorists could control who was leaving. Buildings, cars, etc. Very realistic. And I'm huddled with my husband and friends on around the fifth floor of this building that has somehow miraculously survived the bombings. Unfortunately, I woke up before the dream could be resolved or any action could take place, but it made me think: why was I dreaming this. Am I subconsciously worried about the end of days. Am I concerned about terrorists. Then I remembered I had re-watched that one movie with Will Smith, and the parts where they took out the bridges in the movie seemed vaguely familiar to my dream. Oh, what was it called...the Last...something. Then I came across this book by Mary Shelley, never heard of it before, The Last Man. Wait a minute, the Will Smith movie was called I am Legend.Not to be mixed up with I am Omega, which has the host from Iron Chef and falls along the same lines, nor should that be mixed up with Omega Man. I'll get back to you on the Mary Shelley book. Of course, then again, maybe I dreamed that because I needed something to relieve the monotony.